Course registration Brain Training

Welcome to the brain training gym.

Did you know your brain can train itself? One of the main characteristics of our brain is its plasticity, meaning its capacity to produce more complex answers when pressurized by external stimuli.

This is why it's important to train our brain every day in order to improve our skills.

To participate you need a registered user. If you do not have a Snackson user, fill in the form with your information.

Time zone: Europe/Madrid (GMT +01:00)
Start date: 03-01-2022 08:00
End date: 30-03-2022 09:00
Available places: 978
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The password must be between 8 and 12 characters and combine letters and numbers
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If you already have a user, indicate your email and password to access.

Snackson - Your mobile training channel
2023 Adaptive Learning SL